New !Safety Tips for all Runners!

Brighten up your life. Save your life.

Today the official sunset time is 20.06. Within a week it will be 19.50 and a month later an incredible hour earlier. This is not a great prospect for runners as the long country runs become town runs under the lampposts.

To make the evening runs safer and more pleasurable the hardened runner will have a variety of accessories to help cope. Newer runners will need to consider how to see and be seen in the dark.

To see better you need a head or body torch. These are rated in lumens which is a measurement of visible light a source emits as perceived by the human eye. Lumens are represented by the symbol Im. Higher lumen ratings indicate a brighter light and the converse. A typical household lightbulb is 600 Im. Lumens are different from watts which measure how much energy it takes to produce light but who cares ?

There are many brands and in general you get what you pay for. A preferred brand by runners is SILVA. The “Trail Runner Free 2” head torch uses either AAA batteries or rechargeable which is heavier. It has 2 intensity settings and a flash mode plus it’s adjustable to see downwards or straight ahead. Light rating 450 Im. Had mine 5 years, no problem. Save a life £60 at Start Fitness online.

You have probably bean wondering if the writer receives commission from Start Fitness or Duracell. They do not. Shop around ! Brighten up your life.

To be clearly visible as the nights draw in, all WRC members are strongly encouraged to wear high visibility tops to help prevent vehicles crashing into their legs. The “Highroad” LED USB reflective vest with front and back lights will get you noticed. Save a life £15 at Start Fitness online.

July 24 Article

Kate and Andy,  Peter, Jim and Josie.


Yes, we’ve all heard it “Leaf before beef” but is it true that these fine runners are eating all our plants and causing climate change ?

Is it true that such conscientious folk may drink beer but not wear Lederhosen ?

Let’s find out…..

Hi, I’m Kate. There are currently 2.5 million vegans in the UK, an increase of 1 million since last year.

The definition of a vegan is they don’t use any animal products wherever possible. This means obviously no meat, dairy, egg, gelatine, rennet or honey  and then no leather, silk or feathers .

Vegan Runners is an affiliated  EA club with over 3000 members of which I’ve been one for 9 years. Wearing the green and black vest at races is a sure way to get to chat to strangers. There is huge support for the Brighton marathon as they have the highest ratio of vegan runners.

Being vegan does not hinder anyone’s athletic ability, though ideally if you want to be healthy too it’s better to eat lots of vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, beans and lentils. There are also many tasty junk food vegan items now available.  Vit b12 needs to be supplemented although it is found in fortified foods such as plant milks and marmite.

An average day of food for me would be overnight oats with mixed seeds, hemp, chia, flax, a Brazil nut with soya milk and blueberries.

Lunch is often baked potato, spinach leaves , cooked veg and maybe tofu or mixed beans . I love sweet chilli sauce, vegan mayo, Houmous or balsamic vinegar glaze .  

I often eat vegetable soups and add beans to make them more filling .

I have a sweet tooth and recently experimented making healthier baked goods : black bean brownies , banana loaf, chickpea raspberry bars – all tastier than you’d imagine.

I personally find my recovery times as a runner seem quicker than for a lot of people and I avoid pretty much all colds and virus’s. Is this due to veganism and eating a shed load of vegetables? Who knows? I’ve been  vegeterian since I was 12 and vegan for the last 10 years.

I know it doesn’t stop me from being a decent runner. In the last 18 months I’ve got respectable pb’s at half marathon and marathon distances in my late 40s.

To be part of the Vegan Runners Club you just need to be a vegan and a runner in any shape , size, colour or sexuality . Ideally, be smiley and friendly so any prejudices against vegans can be forgotten …that’s my theory anyway .

Hi,I am Andy, 50 years of age and an avid cyclist and runner. I have been vegan for over 7 years and was vegetarian for a couple of years before that. Previously I ate a standard omnivorous diet. I had also been a vegetarian for about 3 years in my late teens.

I became curious again about how diet affects health in my late 30’s, and started to read and watch scientific based content on this topic. At the time I remember watching some videos on and it was like a light bulb moment. I felt it was a no-brainer to go vegan and my body functioned well on the diet.

People can be vegan for ethical, health and environmental reasons. For me the most important is health however I also value the other benefits. I know some people might be vegan for each aspect in isolation, so you might have people who are predominantly doing it for health and in the US they are called Whole Foods Plant Based (WFPB). Others who are vegan for mainly ethical or environmental reasons might still have a technically ‘unhealthy’ diet.

There is a great video on the benefits of a vegan diet on endurance on You Tube. Recently there have been many documentaries made about the

health benefits, such as Forks over Knives and Game Changers.

I would say one of the most important aspects of changing to this sort of diet, is the consideration of the impact on your family. My children eat a standard diet and I give them the choice to decide this for themselves. There are many excellent links on the subject just there for the asking.

June 24 Article

This month meet Ryan Welch aka Welchy as seen on his WRC running shirt.

Despite having a new family, Ryan still finds time to play in the mud.

Next running shirt Squelchy perhaps?

My running journey began in 2018 when I signed up to a 10km Tough Mudder with some friends and fellow club members, and so thought I best head out on a run and see what I could manage. Before long I realised it was not as easy as I thought, this however only spurred me on to get better. Not long after running Tough Mudder, I was encouraged to join the club myself and haven’t looked back since. The club introduced me to some of my closet friends and together we have taken on some epic challenges. In 2019, myself and Chris Bath, after having run a maximum of 17 miles while training for it, signed up for our first ultra marathon (33 miles) and it’s safe to say I caught the running bug! This is definitely my proudest running achievement. I have gone on to complete two marathons and the Imber ultra again, along with lots of other runs in the club championships. Running is definitely the best outlet to clear my head and would always encourage anyone to give it a try. This year I ran the Grizzly (20 miles) alongside some club members and I now understand where it gets its name and reputation. I am still in recovery two months on but hasn’t stopped me running nor put me off entering next year. Long distance runs are definitely still my favourite, though my body may not agree, but I am enjoying the slower shorter runs these days with my new wife and daughter in the running buggy. I am always on the look out for the next big challenge so keep your eyes peeled on Strava 😉 #ifitsnotonstravaitdoesntcount

May 24 Article

This month meet our very own “Iron” lady Vicky Dowling. Fuelled by cobalamin, Vicky modestly forgets to mention shorter distance achievements.

I NEVER thought I would be a ‘runner’. I remember crying my way through the school cross country and dropping out of those dreaded bleep tests ahead of most of my peers. My journey into running started at the age of 29, motivated by a desire to get fitter and adopt a healthier diet. I will never forget how hard it felt initially – merely completing half a mile felt like an achievement, and I vividly recall the pride I felt after completing my first ever Parkrun.

Ironically, my pursuit of better health began making me ill and took a toll on my fertility. Drastically reducing fat intake led to me unknowingly under-fuelling my body for the exercise I was undertaking, resulting in secondary amenorrhoea. Desiring children, I had to stop running and prioritise proper nutrition for successful fertility treatment.

After welcoming three children into my life, the demands of being a working mum left little time for running. However, with the onset of the Covid pandemic in 2020, I found myself returning to running, recognising the importance of carving out time for myself amidst the chaos. I was supported by Lucy, a fellow member of the WRC, who helped me gradually increase my distance. Joining the WRC in April 2021 introduced me to many more fantastic running buddies, who inspired me to keep progressing. The idea of running a marathon never appealed to me, yet witnessing the achievements of fellow WRC members sparked a newfound ambition, leading me to complete three marathons in 2023 and achieve my PB at Abingdon in October.  

My most memorable experience this year is participating in The Grizzly along with four other WRC members. Despite initially dreading the 20 miles of hills and mud, it turned out to be the most enjoyable event I’ve ever done, and I hope to participate again next year. Although a loyal member of the WRC, I can usually be found running events in my “Fostering for Wiltshire” top raising awareness of the need to recruit more foster carers.

Nowadays I fuel my body properly (perhaps a little too well with all the chocolate and cake) and I keep on top of iron and B12 levels, deficiencies which are common amongst runners. I am passionate about speaking out about issues affecting female runners and encouraging others to look after their health.

April 24 Article

This month meet Kris (with a K) Rivers.  From Kovid to kompeting in lokal events and killing his PB times, here is his story:

Life sometimes throws curve balls, leading to unexpected places. For me, that place was running. The first curve-ball? The COVID lock downs. Stuck at home, I needed an outlet. That’s when I started running.

Between 2020 and 2022, life was very challenging, not just because of the pandemic. Running became more than just exercise; it became a sanctuary. It was a chance to put on my headphones, tune out the world, be out in the fresh air and simply feel free.

Looking to push myself further, make friends, and get to know local people. I joined the Warminster Running Club in January 2023. It was the perfect combination – training support and a fantastic group of people!

With their encouragement, I completed my first official Half Marathon in Bath last October with a time of 1:45! The Longleat 10k hills were next, and recently the Bath Half again with a time of 1:39! A full marathon is definitely on the horizon, and who knows what other events await?

Looking back, I never imagined running would become such a big part of my life in such a short space of time. Here’s to new challenges this year, supportive running communities, and the incredible feeling of freedom and focus that comes with every stride!

March 24 Article

New to WRC, each month we will be posting a members blog where members will tell you a little about themselves. This month we would like to introduce you to Jody, if you want to know about local history, Roman ruins of Warminster or how to make a crop circle, then Jody has the answers:

My name is Jody and I live in Warminster with my husband, two grown up sons, one teenage son and two crazy spaniels.

I first started running in my thirties when I had just half an hour without children to get out and exercise the dog and myself. I began by run/walking for a mile, then running a mile and built up the distance until I was running 7 miles around the woods several times a week.  I found myself feeling elated that I could do something I never dreamt I could, luckily the dog loved it too!

I joined the running club in 2022 when I was no longer required to take children to clubs on Wednesday evenings. I especially enjoy the off road runs we do in the summer when the evenings are lighter, but I like the interval sessions too and they have improved my fitness.  Belonging to the club motivates me to get out on dark, wet evenings when it’s tempting to curl up by the fire, but I always feel better for getting out for a run and a bit of conversation.

Trail running is always my favourite, especially with my dogs and husband.  I really enjoy just travelling through the landscape spotting wildlife and looking at the views.  Happily, my regular running buddy Kate also loves nature, so our long runs quickly pass while we chat and identify which species we’ve seen.  Kate helped me to train for the Imber Ultra in March 2022, which is the race I am most proud of completing and I really enjoyed every minute.  I surprised myself on how far I could run, and my longtime ambition is to do a 50 mile ultra.

If you asked me when I was in my twenties if I was a runner, I would have laughed at you, but with the encouragement of my husband and friends (that includes the dogs) I feel like I can achieve anything……which probably explains the maniacal grin on my face when you see me out running!